Featured Athlete December 2018 - Jessie Palmer
Name: Jessica Palmer
Age: 31
Location (state): Ohio!
- Last time on stage:November 3, 2018 (Sacramento Pro)
- When competing next:Hopefully the 2019 Arnold Classic in Columbus, Ohio. TBD (3rd week of December is usually when they announce it). If that doesn’t fall in my favor, then Jami and I will be game planning and strategizing to get me to the 2019 Olympia. I am currently in the top 20 in points for the 2019 qualification. I need to stay in the top 20 to go to the Olympia. SO, we will need to plan my season and shows very smart!
- How many shows have you done:I have competed in 4 regional NPC shows and 3 NPC National level shows, earning my IFBB Pro Card in July 2015 at the NPC Universe in New Jersey. I have competed in 20 IFBB pro shows! Tallying up at 27 competitions between the NPC and IFBB levels!
- Do you coach yourself, or are you coached/on a team – please specify:I am coached by Jami Debernard! She is the owner and head coach for Fitbody Fusion!
- What do you do? Work/school? Iwork as a Registered Dental Hygienist full time, four days a week. I also coach 10 clients (mostly bikini competitors, but I do have a couple lifestyle clients as well). Other than that, I compete in the IFBB!
- How’d you get into competing?
I became interested in competing in 2013 when I went through what I refer to as a “quarter-life crisis”. I just got to a point where I wanted a challenge, I wanted to do something for ME, I wanted to have control over something. So, bodybuilding it was. It was always something that fascinated me, yet was so intimidating to me! For me it really began as a science project. I loved seeing the results of my body composition changing before my very eyes, all from tracking macros and training a certain way. Then, when I stepped on stage and competed for the first time I was hooked. I used to do competitive dance and cheerleading, and before that gymnastics. Performing and competing was always something I loved, so naturally competing in bodybuilding just really hit home for me.
As far as wanting a challenge and wanting to be able to control something, bodybuilding is just that. It is something that is such a challenge. In so many ways really. Only a small percentage of people can do it and be good at it. It is something that has provided me with strength, mentally and physically. It is shown me that I am capable of anything that I set my heart and mind on. It has provided me with a strong background and knowledge in health and nutrition. These are tools I will be able to use throughout my lifetime, and hopefully pass on to my children.
- What does being “fit” mean to you?Fit to me, means overall health. Mind, body and soul. It isn’t just physical. It is mental and emotional strength, overcoming obstacles, and just being tough as nails.
- Favorite type of workout?Lifting :)
- Favorite body part to workout?Shoulders!
- Do you: Track Macros / Meal Plan / Intutitively Eat?MACRO QUEEN here!
Favorite food? Favorite “fun” meal? Favorite food...tough one! I’m gonna have to go with a BREAKFAST FOODS. Breakfast is my favorite meal, sweet or savory… or a combination of the two!!
Fun meal = burger and sweet potato fries, pizza, or SUSHI! Sorry, food holds a special place in my heart.. I can’t pick just one. But my go to post show is usually a burger and sweet potato fries!
- If you could travel anywhere, where and why?Thailand! I went with my family for two weeks while my dad was there for business. It was when I was in 2nd grade. I remember bits and pieces. I would really love to go back as an adult and explore Thailand with my husband!
What advice would you give to someone just starting a fitness regimen for lifestyle and/or competing?
Consistency is key. If you constantly give up, fall off track, switch to another method or style of whatever you are doing..then you will never truly see how it worked for you. I think people throw in the towel or half ass things, wayyyy too often. With everything, not just fitness. Commit to it 100%!
Choose a lifestyle change and commit to it, for a decent amount of time! Decide if this regimen or lifestyle gave you the results you wanted and go from there!
How do you balance personal life with school/competing/work/etc.?
That is such a tough one. Is it even truly possible?
I ebb and flow with this balancing thing. When I am close to a show or in the midst of a series of competitions, my focus is truly on competing. Unfortunately other things in life take a back seat. BUT it is only temporary. I make sure to make time and set time frames of when I will be competing. I also, make sure that my husband is okay with me competing. Because, truly it isn’t JUST me, he is involved as well. It’s a team effort. He is a professional athlete as well so he understands the time, focus, and hard work that it takes to compete at a high level. He also, understands the emotions and mental strength it takes (mood swings, exhaustion, stress, hunger).
It is so important to have those moments where you allow everything to even back out! Where you are equally focusing on family, work, training/diet, and FUN! In my “off seasons” I make it a point to spend a lot more time with my family, friends and husband. I make it a point to not be so regimented. This is not just for me, but for my loved ones that support me!
When you compete (or have something that requires a high level of focus/effort/time), it can be mentally and emotionally exhausting. I will be the FIRST to admit that I wear myself out mentally and emotionally, before I ever am worn out physically. SO, for me my time away from the stage is soooo important for my mental and emotional health. I really like to make sure that I take my rest days and fill them with time spent with loved ones. Or simply taking that day to not track a macro or have a free meal, and make it a point to go on a LEGIT date night with my husband. AND that does not mean its a free for all of food. It means my mind is not thinking of macros or competing, and that I am 100% present in the moment and task at hand.
- Favorite Pamcakes’ flavor and why!Pumpkin Spice! Macros are great! Flavor is perfect, it isn’t too pumpkin spicy! It’s a nice and light flavoring of pumpkin spice, just enough! I like to pair it with eggs and bacon or use the mix in my mini waffle maker to make a waffle breakfast sammy!
- Pancakes or waffles?!?#teamWAFFLES
- Favorite thing about Pamcakes? You are the most genuine, kind soul. And such a savvy woman! (mom, friend, supporter, athlete, business owner, etc). It was a no-brainer when you asked me to join you in the PAMCAKES' movement.
Any advice you’d like to give to your younger self?
Ahh, my younger self... Don’t sweat it, everything will work out as it should. LET IT BE.
- Role Model(s)?Jami Debernard (aka mama bear) - my coach and dear friend. Also, my grandmother, she is just one of a kind.
- Long term Goals (on and off stage; either or both)?
Competing wise:
- to compete at the 2019 Arnold Classic
- qualify to compete at the 2019 Olympia
- take time away from competing (not forever), but to focus on starting a family!
- explore the world
- make our new home, a home!