Featured Athlete March 2019 - Frank Griffin
Frank Griffin
March 2019
Name: Frank Griffin
Age: 36
Location (state): Pennsylvania
- Last time on stage: 10/18
- When competing next: 5/24/19
- How many shows have you done: wow let me think I'm up to 20 pro shows
- Do you coach yourself, or are you coached/on a team – please specify: Currently coached by Mandus Buckle from underground athletes.
- What do you do? Work/school? I work full time as Manager of as a Super Market (Acme) her in Philadelphia
- How’d you get into competing? Just going to the gym, a guy named Don thought I had a lot of potential so I figured I'd go see a show and try it out. I was hooked
- What does being “fit” mean to you? It’s a way of life you don’t have to get on stage just promote a healthy lifestyle inside and outside. Growing mentally, physically and spiritually are all parts of a fit lifestyle
- Favorite type of workout? Strength training and building up my physique.
- Favorite body part to work out? Probably Chest and arms. I see the quickest gains in both body parts. Legs would be top 3 also
- Do you: Track Macros / Meal Plan / Intuitively Eat? I do track Macros but I'm way more flexible in the offseason.
- Favorite food? Favorite “fun” meal? Fav food is chicken and rice and burgers
- If you could travel anywhere, where and why? Greece just seems like a beautiful place overall
- What advice would you give to someone just starting a fitness regimen for lifestyle and/or competing? Have fun learn as much as you can and do it for yourself. Make sure your doping it for the right reasons.
- How do you balance personal life with school/competing/work/etc.? There is no balance you have to fit fitness into your life until you can make it a profession.
- Favorite Pamcakes’ flavor and why! White Chocolate is my Fav just is so creamy tasting and versatile. Just enough sweetness but not overpowering.
- Pancakes or waffles?!? :) Both depends on how I'm feeling I was doing waffles for months now I do pancakes
- Favorite thing about Pamcakes? That it fits in my life, allows me the feeling of having what I would call a cheat meal but makes it “Safe”
- Any advice you’d like to give to your younger self? Yes, don’t get any credit cards lol and follow your gut its normally right
- Role Model(s)? Really My grandmother, my mom and just try to act how I believe a Good person would act. No one is perfect but we all can be better
- Long term Goals (on and off stage; either or both)? To one day make fitness my way I make a living and also compete on the Olympia stage in 2019.